Friday, November 10, 2006

Stay in Italy and learn Italian language

Learning Italian language the best way is to stay and take up the courses in Italy. This will help you understand the real use of the italian language and the many culture of italy. Today there are many school in Italy which teaches good Italian language and also helps you to stay with a Italian family as this will faster boost your speaking and understaning about Italian language beside having more knowledge about the culture and the people of Ilaly.

Italy is famous for its landscapes, beaches, shopping centres and climate and a ideal spots for your holiday vacation beside Ilaly is popurlar for it soccers as the country had won the world cups many times. Some school offer basic language courses for those who want to spend their holiday in Italy as it will benefit the travellers if they know some Ilalian language when visiting attractions places, villages, shjopping and dinning in a restaurant.


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